Sunday, October 21, 2012

fog in the early morning

If you've been to Prague, do you recognize this place in the picture below?
If you haven't been to Prague, does it look like something you want to visit?
It's on the Charles Bridge!
The Charles Bridge crosses the Vltava River and its construction started in 1357 under the reign of King Charles IV and finished in the beginning of the 15th century. How amazing. What a piece of history to walk on! As a tourist, you have to see the Charles Bridge.

Back in early September, when my mom was here in Prague with me, we visited the Charles Bridge where I took the above photograph.
It was a madhouse. So many people, painters, owners of kiosks, and vendors.  I couldn't take my time when taking pictures since I knew people were waiting for me to move out of the way. I probably rubbed shoulders with people from all over the world in the 30 min it took us to walk across the bridge.

So when can you go to Charles Bridge when it isn't as crowded?
During the early morning, of course!
Three of my classmates (Michelle, Taylor, Abe) and I left our Penzion at 6 a.m. to get to the Charles Bridge around 6:30 a.m. The sunrise was set for 7:32 a.m.

It was foggy outside and boy was it cold. I was too excited to even be tired.
On the eastern side of the bridge is one of the 3 bridge towers (the other 2 are on the other side, Lesser Town).
 There were hardly any people when we got there. I was thrilled! Look at the difference between this picture above and the first one on this post. The bridge is lined on either side with statues. I think there are 30 total.  It was sort of spooky but it was beautiful at the same time. 
The fog was perfect for looking out over the water at our surroundings.

Near the middle of the bridge is a statue of St. John of Nepomuk. Apparently, if you rub the plaque you will one day return to Prague. So here's proof that I rubbed it! Look at the discoloration from everyone's hands. 
 As we were taking pictures and chatting among the 4 of us, Michelle said "Hey, the lights turned off." We turned around and just paused. The picture above captures it perfectly. To me, the fog along with the lights off enhanced the experience.

A few minutes after sunrise the fog slowly started to clear.

 ^^View looking towards Lesser Town from the bridge.

I even got to wear my ear muffs! I was so excited.
This was our view as we left.
It's amazing how being in one place for 1.5 hours can offer such a wonderful experience as I watched the surroundings change right before my eyes.
I wish I could explain this in words, but I feel the pictures show a sense of the place better than I could describe it.
One word to describe this experience? EPIC.

I would do this whole experience over in a heartbeat.
Can't wait to do it when it snows!

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