Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Sketching Around Prague

Since school has started my classmates and I have gotten into a routine.
Up at 7 a.m.
Breakfast at 8.
Leave for school at 8:30
Run to catch metro so we don’t have to wait for another one 8:42.
Have 9 a.m. class.
Find something to eat.
Class again around 2pm.
Find something to eat.
Get back to dorm by metro and walking.
Repeat from “up at 7 a.m.”

But one thing in my routine (not mentioned above) is done each day, but it captures something unique each time.
What is this thing?

One of my classmates, Abe, and I have been trying to make it a point to go out walking around Prague and find a place to sketch each day.
Sketching something new brings excitement into my somewhat mundane routine.
Sketching relaxes me.
Sketching makes me happy.
Sketching helps me remember what I see (sketching is better than taking a picture). 
Sketching allows me to explore, even if it’s just changing a color of colored pencil.
I could go on….

I never know what I will end up drawing or what I will discover along the way of finding the perfect thing to sketch.
I enjoy how spontaneous sketching can be. It differs each time. Tonight, for example, Abe and I went out sketching tonight at 7 pm. It’s much different than sketching when it’s sunny outside.
Below are just some sketches that I’ve done over the past 2 days.

I think the sketch should speak for itself.
I hope to do many more, especially since the weather is oh so lovely this week (mid 70s!)

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