Wednesday, September 12, 2012

This is....different.

Don't get me wrong, Prague is a beautiful and enjoyable place to be.

But what about the things nobody talks about when they study abroad?
The lifestyle in the dorm...adapting to being a resident instead of a tourist....adapting to the food.....

The bathroom:

There's no place to lay any of your toiletries. Where are the counters? Shelves? When I brush my teeth I have to hold my retainer case, my toothbrush case, and my toothpaste. It's a lot to handle. And im not going to put my toiletry bag on the floor. EW.  So I make multiple trips to the bathroom in the morning. Good thing it’s right across from my door. 
I miss having my toiletries on my bathroom counter or in drawers.

The shower:
There’s no space before the shower to take off your clothes.
It’s just an open room with a sink and two shower stalls.
So, last night, I got in the shower. Took off my clothes. Opened the shower door, checked to make sure nobody was there, draped the clothes on a chair, showered, then opened the shower door and realized my towels were on a hook behind this wall which was behind the chair w/ my dirty clothes.
Ugh. So frustrating. The shower itself was okay. Good pressure. The water is either super hot or extremely cold. It took a while for me to find that happy medium.

I still can't believe beer is cheaper than water. It's odd for me to have to specify between sparkling and natural water. (I got sparkling water at the grocery store on accident and wow, what a different taste it is!) The food has been delicious so far....the bread! Oh the bread! I could eat that constantly.
For breakfast today we had a yogurt and bread with butter/cheese. I can't even explain how much I miss my cereal. I never thought of cereal as comfort food, until now. 

In most of the restaurants I've eaten in so far, people are smoking. 
In North Carolina there is no longer a smoking/non-smoking section of restaurants. In Prague, everyone is mixed together, the non-smokers and smokers. Yesterday when I came home I had to febreeze the clothes I was wearing. 

At orientation today we went outside for a walking tour around the Institute. Dana, who was leading the tour, was walking incredibly fast. What am I supposed to do - walk fast but look down as I walk so i don't trip, or walk slowly to see things but then hold up the group? It's just this transition phase between tourist and resident that I am adjusting to.

The locks are different than back home. You turn to the left to lock, and right to unlock.
I'm so used to righty tighty, lefty loosey. 

Grocery store:
You are supposed to bring your own bag to put your things in. Tonight was the 3rd time I had forgotten to bring my own bag. They have bags, but you typically get a stern look from the cashier and you have to pay for one. I have to admit, it's a pretty good idea to save material, but I'm so used to having groceries being bagged for me. 

It's amazing how many things I take for granted back home in Charlotte and at school in Raleigh.
I will never understand how it takes a person to leave what he/she has in order to realize how great it is to have certain things.

Tomorrow is the first day of classes. 
One thing for sure, I still have first day jitters like I do back home!
Tomorrow I have my drawing class (yay!) and studio (yay!).

Hug your bathroom counter for me and enjoy your breakfast (if it consists of cereal)!

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