Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Color My World!

During the beginning of my studies as an architecture student at NC State University's College of Design, color was not a factor to be considered in our designs. We needed to learn the basics before we went crazy and added color.

Even before traveling, I believed that color played a big role in the experience of architecture.  It isn’t only about a wall coloring, but also the natural color of a material, the reflected light quality of the materials, the specific color glass used for windows, the use of color for contrast, the use of color blending, or the use color to prominently stand out? The possibilities are endless!

Color is a difficult topic to discuss in written format and i feel it requires the visual image. This blog post will have many many more images than normal. 
This afternoon we went back to St. Mark’s square and walked around in the shopping district (aka Rialto).  The buildings that are up against the street (creating small scale like alleys) were dull in terms of color, but the items they sold on street level were so bright! Even people’s shirts of passerby's added to the color of the space. I liked how the color was focused more on the street level than the buildings.
There’s color even behind the windows of shops! Take these ties for example.

In complete contrast to the above picture at St. Mark's, we went to Burano, a place full of color!
Look at these houses. Pretty remarkable intensive use of colors huh?
I felt like I was in a Disney theme park.

I think since the architecture is rather simple, the color can be vibrant.
I love how each building has its own color.
The spaces between the buildings are decently wide, so the color doesn’t overwhelm.

At lunch in Burano the food seemed to show off its bright colors.
I have been obsessed with taking pictures of flowers. They are so vibrant with color and oh so beautiful.

Could you imagine a world without any color?
Go take a picture of something colorful today, it sure will brighten your day!

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