Monday, September 3, 2012

Eating With A View……Or Not.

3 different scenarios (which would you prefer?):
1. eat outside but covered by umbrellas
2. eat in a restaurant that’s closed in
3. eat outside without any cover

In Charlotte, I always get excited when sitting by a window at a restaurant.
One time back in Raleigh I had dinner at the Brio and we had a window seat.
Unfortunately, the view was of a parking lot at the mall. Not too exciting.

Rome and Venice are quite wonderful in the way that you don’t just eat……
You have an experience (and sometimes a great view) while you eat.

Last night in Rome we had dinner in the Piazza Navona.
We were sitting right on the edge of the Piazza but covered by umbrellas.
What a wonderful space! Even though my table was covered, I was still part of outside. I didn’t feel crammed, I didn’t feel contained. I was able to people watch, I was able to scan and study the piazza, and I was able to draw the view from where I ate (two waiters even commented on my sketch and one wanted to sell it!).

Today, in Venice, I had dinner in a restaurant next to St. Mark’s Square.
Completely different experience.
It was crammed. The ceiling made it the space feel so small. The lighting was harsh. I felt rushed to eat and get out.
So many things in such a small space (below sketch).

After dinner in Venice, we went back out to St. Mark’s Square.
We sat outside, right in the Square, and listened to bands play music.
It was dark, but the lights from the buildings surrounding the square made it so elegant and even relaxing.
Hundreds of people gather around to listen to the bands play. Even though there were many people around, I felt so free! I was so relaxed. 
What makes the Piazza and Square experiences so wonderful is the fact that those spaces can be used for many different purposes. During the day it’s all hustle and bustle but at night it turns into an entertainment center. During the day people are walking quickly, a lot of noise, and automatically at night it became quieter even though music was playing, people slowed down, and people stopped to enjoy dessert and a drink. I took so many pictures of dogs today in the Square. And surprisingly, the spaces had no plants in them. How can a space that is so large and surrounded by tall massive buildings be so calming and lovely? 
Basically, those two spaces are paradise for an architect.
I don’t know if I’ll be able to eat at a restaurant in Charlotte/Raleigh again!

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