Monday, December 17, 2012

Lights, Camera, Europe!

Christmastime in Europe, lights, returning home.

Prague. Spain. France.
I've never traveled around Christmastime and holidays before.

How weird is it that I'm in Paris, (the city of LIGHTS!), and the Christmas decorations/lights aren't that great? Yet in Barcelona there were almost too many Christmas lights.

The Barcelona street intersections were very wide because some of them were octagonal in shape.  The buildings were cut off slightly at the corner so more of the building faced the intersection.
When we (my dad, sister and i) arrived in Barcelona we were greeted with Christmas lights that went down most streets and sidewalks. Each street had a different theme, color, and design. 

Down the street from our Spanish hotel was a public fountain.  During the day the water and lights were off, but at night it came alive! The color changed every few seconds and covered all colors of the rainbow. It was very convenient to use this fountain as a landmark.  And since I'm an architecture student, I prefer landmarks over street signs. 

Even some of the buildings had lights! This was a pretty spectacular light display. When the lights flickered on and off, it was difficult to discern the outline of where the location of the lights formed them. It seemed as if the lights magically appeared on the building without wires.

Last Friday we left Barcelona/Spain and flew to Paris.
The lights are less exciting here in Paris.  Throughout the city, the lighting was handled rather blandly, but the Eiffel Tower is beautifully lit. I don't think it's related to Christmas, but it is part of the light theme in this post. 
The Eiffel Tower is a beautiful structure. I think it would be cool to be one of the 25 painters that paints the tower every 7 years. Anyway...
The three of us went to the 2nd floor of the tower around 6 pm. While we were on the windy floor overlooking the Seine, the lights are turned on.

A few minutes later we noticed that the lights were sparkling like a Christmas tree. It only lasted 5 minutes.  Apparently, this lighting event only happens 5 minutes before each hour. 

It was so beautiful! I guess there aren't many other Christmas lights throughout the city since they would compete with this very unique light show on the Eiffel Tower.

Look at how illumination can create character, identity, and beauty!
That's all for now, but I will write more later and give you some of my thoughts about the architecture that I've seen, experienced, photographed and sometimes drawn.
I am missing Prague. Very much. I never thought that was going to happen to me the first day I arrived in Prague. Now my experience has become such a part of me, that as i experience Paris and Spain, I can't help but have my thoughts recall Prague for comparison. Each city is unique in its own way.
Whenever I look at a sign in French I think of how I would pronounce it in Czech.
I miss Prague's simple metro system. Only three lines compared to the 235723752037520 lines in Paris/Barcelona.
I miss eating healthy inexpensive food. 
I miss the grocery store Alberts.
I miss my classmates, although I love the company of my dad and sister.
I miss having Prague's affordable, efficient public transportation to and from my daily destinations.
I miss my Prague routine of going to school and a special excursion on the weekends.
I miss the history that is outside the front door of the Penzion.
I miss the central hub of Old Town Square.

My sister went back to the U.S. yesterday morning. I wish she was still here because she helps to give me insight with her observations and she makes me laugh a lot, but I will be with her soon for my birthday and Christmas holiday. 

Two days till I leave Europe.
Let the countdown begin!
More posts coming soon (although some may be written in Charlotte)! 

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